Want the freedom of owning your own business and calling the shots?
Be Always Green Free!
As a Representative of the Always Green brand, you can make a good living without feeling trapped by the invisible walls of the Corporate prison. You can start and run your own Always Green business with freedom in mind. If you want to create your own rules, schedule, sales protocols, your own structure then this is an opportunity to consider.
Today, the Always Green brand isn’t just intended for professionals who want to add artificial grass to their existing landscaping business, it’s designed for entrepreneurs, allowing them to create an entire business around the Always Green successful business model. We currently have successful Always Green business owners who come from a variety of backgrounds – from Tech and Computer IT, to Construction and Real Estate, Always Green attracts professionals from all industries who all have the true spirit of entrepreneurship at heart. A strong work ethic, self-discipline, and the courage to take action and calculated risks is all that’s needed to become successful in the field.
The Always Green brand
Always Green, a leader in the artificial grass installation and maintenance industry, is now available in exclusive areas throughout California. Be the only one provider in your area who offers the TigerTurf and SmartTurf products and service under the already established and accredited Always Green brand.
Our Background
Build your business on the shoulders of the industry leader, using our years of experience and thousands of installs to build instant credibility and recognition for your business.
The Support
Build your business on the back of an industry leader. You’ll benefit from our years of experience and our brand recognition throughout the Southern California area. Through the years we’ve helped to install thousands of artificial grass lawns for a variety of residential and commercial applications which has given Always Green credibility and recognition for your business that’s guaranteed to help make your business venture a success.
Proven System
We put together a successful plan that has been tried, tested and continues to thrive today! Here are some points to consider…
- your own marketing department
- professionally designed and printed marketing materials
- your own website design to convert visitors into leads
- custom email address used on all promotional materials
- a sales system developed by one of the nation’s leading sales consultants
- a network of other like minded dealers all collaborating and sharing ideas
- ready for use forms like sales agreements and other legal documents
- get trained and certified
- access to a multitude of additional products and services
- work directly with people who are experienced and successful using the same system
- and much more as we are constantly listening to all representatives on how we increase their chances for success.